Conditions of participation for exhibitors at the trade fairs and exhibitions in the halls of Messe Luzern AG in Lucerne (hereinafter referred to as Trade Fair Management).
By signing the registration, the exhibitor acknowledges these conditions as binding for itself and its employees or representatives and also undertakes to observe all parts of the requirements of the trade fair’s operating rules that will be sent with the space assignment.
Exhibitors have to register with the Trade Fair Management by submitting the official form. The registration form has to be completed fully and accurately; in particular, the exhibits have to be described in such a way that the nature and use of the offered products is clear. Products other than those listed in the registration may not be exhibited or sold without the written consent of the Trade Fair Management. Any change in the registered exhibits during the trade fair is prohibited. The delivery or issuance of the registration documents by the Trade Fair Management does not serve as the basis for a claim to admission to the trade fair.
The subletting of entire booths is not permitted. The acceptance of co-exhibitors requires a written registration as well as express approval by the Trade Fair Management. Co-exhibitors are companies that present themselves in any form at another company’s booth, whether this is through addresses, objects or brochures. Inaccepting the co-exhibitors, the booth holder is also liable for the responsibilities of the co-exhibitors towards the Trade Fair Management. The booth holder has to pay the fixed minimum rent for each co-exhibitor.
The Trade Fair Management is solely responsible for the final approval of exhibitors. Rejections are made without explanations. After the booth spaces have been assigned, the exhibitors will receive a confirmation in which the approval restriction is canceled. The Trade Fair Management is entitled to limit the booth area that is requested as well as the exhibits that are registered. An exclusion of competition cannot be granted.
The Trade Fair Management assigns the booth and space after the preconditions have been fulfilled. The exhibitor will be provided with a placement accompanied by a floor plan. Special booth requests will be taken into account if possible. Objections to the placement have to be made to the Trade Fair Management in writing within eight days after the send date, otherwise the placement is deemed accepted, whereby the exhibitor contract is concluded. The Trade Fair Management can request that the exhibitor signs the booth confirmation.
If required, the Trade Fair Management is entitled, notwithstanding any confirmation already provided, to assign the renter a different space in another area, to change the size and volume of the booth, relocate or close the entrances and exits of the halls and open spaces, and to undertake other structural changes. If in such cases the exhibitor’s interests are impaired to an unacceptable degree, they can cancel the exhibitor contract with a claim to be reimbursed for the booth rental. Any additional claims are excluded.
If an exhibitor cancels the registration before the exhibitor contract has come into effect, it must pay administrative expenses amounting to 25% of the booth rental, but at least CHF 600.– This payment must be made in full within 30 days.
After the exhibitor contract has come into effect, the exhibitor shall be liable for the full rental charge and any associated costs. If the Trade Fair Management is Rules for Exhibitors Conditions of participation for exhibitors at the trade fairs and exhibitions in the halls of Messe Luzern AG in Lucerne (hereinafter referred to as Trade Fair Management). able to rent the booth area without loss to an exhibitor that was not registered at the time of the cancellation, in accordance with the admission requirements in the trade fair regulations, then the canceling exhibitor has to pay a charge of at least 25% of the booth rental, but at least CHF 600.– to compensate for administrative costs. If the booth released by the canceling exhibitor can only be partially rented, the canceling exhibitor is liable for the non-rented booth space. If the booth released by the canceling exhibitor is occupied by an exhibitor who has already been assigned a space (relocation), the canceling exhibitor continues to be liable for the full booth area. In each case, co-exhibitors will pay the co-exhibitors’ fee.
The exhibitor will be invoiced for the rental of the booth and floor space upon conclusion of the exhibitor contract. Either at the same time or in separate invoices issued before the trade fair, the Trade Fair Management may also invoice charges for any additional services to be provided, such as technical installations, classifieds, advertising materials, booth construction or flat fees for communications. Invoices are payable for the net amount without discounts within 30 days of the billing date.
Invoices that are dated within 30 days or less of the opening of the trade fair must be paid immediately. In such cases, the Trade Fair Management must receive the invoice amount no later than the beginning of the official set-up period. The Trade Fair Management is entitled to make alternative use of booths for which the booth rent has not been paid within the payment period, following written notification eight days in advance. In this case, the defaulting exhibitor has to pay the Trade Fair Management a charge of 25 % of the booth rental, but at least CHF 600.–, to compensate for administrative costs.
Final invoice
The exhibitor will receive a final invoice after the trade fair for the additional services rendered, such as technical installations, parking spaces, redeemed customer coupons etc., which had not already been paid for before the trade fair. The final invoice is payable within 30 days without discounts or any other deductions.
The Trade Fair Management takes out liability insurance against claims by third parties (visitors, etc.). This does not include the personal liability of the exhibitors and their staff. Exhibitors are therefore required to obtain the appropriate liability insurance and present a copy of the policy to the Trade Fair Management upon request. Damage to any exhibits and exhibition facilities as a result of fire, theft, robbery, water or damage of any kind are not insured by the Trade Fair Management. The Trade Fair Management does not accept any duty of care for exhibits and exhibition facilities, and excludesall liability for damages or losses.
In the case of unforeseen, political or economic reasons, force majeure or a significant increase in the risks, the Trade Fair Management is entitled to cancel the trade fair. In such exceptional cases, the exhibitors do not have anyright to claim damages.
Swiss law is applicable exclusively. Place of jurisdiction is Lucerne.